Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday Afternoon March 14, 2011

Well, well, well.....the pack up begins.

Tomorrow is departure day.

I was fortunate to have a brief conversation with Preston last night (he called me!!!!) and he said "I'm ready for you to come home."  You know, that's really all Amme needs to hear.

Jim has been cleaning windshields, taking up carpet and I have been walking around!  I mentioned to Dale, when he walked by earlier this morning, that I was outside trying to decide what to do to help Jim.  He said "you know, the best thing you can do sometimes, is to just walk around the park."  My thoughts exactly.

We did walk up for the 9:00 doughnuts and coffee provided by the camp. 

I'm not sure if I have mentioned this in the past.  There is a table of guys, Dallas, Martin, Marty and a few more, that buy their own doughnuts as they do not like Carolyn's Doughnut Police Method (all in fun, they realize she has to wait until 9:00 and has to extent a plea to everyone to just get one doughnut because she never knows how many campers may come up for a doughnut) so, they go get their own doughnuts and start eating about 8:00.  They are really cute about this and they are always anxious to share.  I generally get my first doughnut from Carolyn's camp doughnuts and then the boys are kind enough to share their doughnuts for my second helping.

Friday Night, March 11, we did get to stay with the girls while Walt and Hillary had a much needed 'date.' 

Gabby and I worked on the side of the house that hasn't been addressed much, yet, as we cleaned off the sidewalk that runs along the side of the house.  There is just a very narrow passage way there, with the sidewalk and fencing separating the yards.  Anytime I have spent on that side of the house has been to wash out my paint brushes and painting supplies.

So, Gabby and I decided to clear the sidewalk of old leaves, etc.  Hats off to Gabby, she got her little broom and worked very, very hard.

I thought Jim was entertaining Lily, but, I guess not entertaining her well enough.  Lily came around the corner of the house and said "I miss my mommy and daddy."  Fortunately for Gabby and I we were just finishing up and when I told Lily we were going to "Old McDonalds" for our supper, she grinned right up.

Friday Night at McDonalds on the main highway going into Key West is a busy, busy place.  We were on the right side of the road, McDonalds is on the left side of the road, and the drive through cars were lined up all down the highway providing us no room to get into the parking lot.  The girls wanted to be reassured that we were going to eat inside McDonalds and we assured them that whenever we could get around the 25 cars blocking the driveway to McDonalds that we were going to eat inside.

Very great experience eating with the girls.  Jim and Gabby on one side, Lily and I on the other, with Lily traveling under the table to switch sides every once in a while and have a bite or two of Jim's salad.  At that time, Gabby would come over to sit with me.  Just fun.

Once Gabby and I were coming back from the bathroom and I saw a couple that live here in the campground.  She saw Gabby and fell in love; then, she saw Jim and Lily in the booth and fell in love all over again.

She told me on Saturday, back here at the campground, that both girls were cute as they could be and she couldn't help but just stare at all of us in our booth.  She also made a comment about Lily and her being the youngest.  She noted that being the youngest is a good thing because it makes a person more independent and able to cope with things better.  Pretty good analysis, I think.

Saturday, March 12, there was a wedding here  at camp.  A couple that lives here decided to have their wedding at 11:30 on a Saturday here in camp.  As Joe, the owner, of the camp generally has a band play from 12 until 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays, they would already have the entertainment.  Smart, eh!

Also, on Friday Afternoon, before we went to the Lee's, Jim and I went to Home Depot to get some palms to take home.

While having coffee on Saturday Morning, I mentioned to Jim that maybe the wedding could use the palms for decoration.  Jim was more than a little hesitate, saying, they most likely had everything they needed and really he was thinking I should not get into their business.  Well, I did anyway!  And, yes, they were be thrilled to use the palms.  So, that made me happy. 

The wedding couple was providing a lunch so we went up for the meal around 1:00.  Lots of laughter and people and just good fun.

There was the usual keg of beer that the owner provides for Saturdays and the wedding couple provided a bucket, yes, a bucket of sangria.  Little early for me to have a taste, but, you know I did.  In fact, I had two cups of taste!

I had the opportunity to talk with Martin, one of the campers that Jim nor I have had a chance to spend much time with.  Martin is from Montana and leaves on Tuesday, March 15 as well.  We talked about his trip back home, with his stops in Texas and Arizona, and finally back home to Montana where he grows alfafa.  Learned a lot about growing alfafa, Martin's horses, Big Foot and Ahab and his two dogs.  I enjoyed talking to Martin.

I spent a short about of time hanging around the pool area with some sunbathers and swimmers as the band played.  The wedding couple, by the way, were still out at the pool, later, after dark on Saturday Night, talking and laughing with their friends.

Just about dusk, Phyllis came by with Jane Dough, the pup and asked if I wanted to walk with them.  We walked up the road and around the office building that is up on Hwy 1.  I think Phyllis said that particular walk was about 1 mile.  As Jim and I haven't followed through with our walks, this walk was great for many different reasons.

Captain Bill, who was sitting at our table, along with Martin, on Saturday Afternoon, mentioned that at 7:30, we would be able to see the Space Station come across the western sky at about a 32 degree angle. 

Fortunately, Jim and I remembered to walk out to the tiki hut about 7:15.  We joined a couple already there, and later, Martin, Dallas, Ted and a couple more folks came out. 

I was really afraid I would miss seeing the space station, although Captain Bill said it would be visible for about 3 minutes.  Fortunately, Ted saw it just as it came over the horizon and we all watched as the space station made its way out of the sunlight on the other side of the horizon (the sun was what made the space station visible.)  It was a beautiful clear night, with a bright moon and lots of stars, so this was just a great way to end the day.

Sunday Morning, March 13, Jim and I enjoyed our paper and coffee.  Then, we went down to the airport to meet Vickie.  Her plane was to arrive at 10:35 and I wanted to be inside to greet her.  As I was about to walk into the airport, I heard someone call my name, looked up the sidewalk and there was Vickie.  Her plane was about 15 minutes early!

We got to visit with Vickie as we drove up to Fiesta Key and there had an opportunity to visit with Bill a brief minute or two before heading back down to Hillary and Walt's for our last supper with the Lees.

On the way to Hillary's, Jim wanted to stop by the camper to pick up some tools and he turned on the t.v. to see how Carolina was doing against Duke.

On Friday and Saturday, I did touch base with Brent to extend atta boys.  Once Jim saw the score on Sunday, he just couldn't bring himself to watch any of it.  In fact, on Sunday Night, I asked Jim what the final score was and he said he didn't know - guess he just could not stand it.  And, as far as Brent, I didn't correspond at all.  (Jim and Brent are very much of the same nature, easy going, and not rabid about ball games, although they do get disappointed.)

Sunday Afternoonn at the Lee's was all about some fun.  Gabby and Lily got in the pool.  Not for the first time, but, for the first extended play time. 

Before pool time, Hillary needed some shrimp peeled.  Gabby, Lily and I had a wonderful time, sitting outside talking and peeling shrimp.

Also, before pool time, of course Gabby wanted to fish.  We did fish for a while as Walt 'chummed' up the fish for us.

I had mentioned to Gabby that we may could do a walkabout in the neighborhood.  After the pool, she was ready to go.  I asked about Lily and Gabby checked on her and Lily was totally into something on t.v.  This worked out pretty good after all.  As the walkabout was a pretty long one and even Gabby said at one point "we need to call daddy or dadn' dad'n to come get us."  We would take a sit down break and start out again. 

Great walk! And, great time spent with Gabby.  Lots of good conversation and I'm just grateful for the time we had together.

Once coming back down the street to the Lee House, poor Lily was standing out in the middle of the street in front of her house.  I thought to myself, how guilty I feel. 

Once we got closer, Lily only said "where have you guys been? Dad and I are going to take a bike ride."  Easy, easy, easy.

Lily had on some of Gabby's lace up shoes and looked too cute.  I told her I loved her shoes (about 2 inches too long on her feet) and she quickly told me they were not her shoes they were Gabby's shoes.

While Gabby and I were fishing earlier in the afternoon, Hillary brought out appetizers.  Included in the appetizers were the shrimp that the girls and I had peeled earlier.  I wanted to eat the entire bowl they were so good, but I had to monitor myself to save room for the baked chicked and vegetables.

Gabby and I got back from our walkabout just as the chicken was coming out of the oven.  Wow, what a meal.  Baked chicken, on a platter with herbs, vegetables - too delicious.

Then, just as we were finishing up with our chicken dinner, Hillary announced that cobble and pie was for dessert.  I can't remember when I have eaten so much. 

During our meal, Hillary and I remineisced.  Telling stores, mostly on Tiffany - about her eating so much on one trip we made to the Keys, about Tiffany burning her feet and legs so bad on a boat trip we made that she had to wear socks with large slide in shoes (Walt's maybe?) Lots of laughs - old stories.

After our meal, the girls got their WII (is that one I or two?) going.  They wanted to show Jim and I the dances they could do.  The girls did their dances and I noticed one that was the Mashed Potato.  I knew I had to try that one.  Funny, everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves while the girls danced, once I started, the room pretty much emptied!

Jim and I got back to camp about 8:30, got our showers, sat outside for a few minutes and then I watched The Apprentice. 

Great full day with great friends and dear family.

This is the last time I will be sitting here at Lazy Lakes to blog. 

Jim is playing his last game of horseshoes for the year this afternoon. 

Hopefully, later today we will be spending some more time with the little girls.

I'm not sure what time Jim wants to leave here in the morning.  Although, anyone that knows Jim knows he is an 'up and at 'em' kind of guy.

Many folks around camp have come by to wish us safe travels. We are grateful for the time spent here renewing friendships from last year and making new friends this year.

The weather has been wonderful.  I keep thinking that since we have had such pretty weather here, it has been a relatively good winter in Norwood.

Prayers and Thanksgiving to God for safe travels home.

Now, for some pictures:

After our meal at Old McDonalds, the girls and I jumped right into making cookies.  Too Much Fun!

Cookie Time!

Lily - a happy little cookie maker!

Gabby - aren't those pretty cookies!

Wedding Site - Saturday Morning

Fun by the pool on Saturday Afternoon

Another pool view - the band, Ray West, is playing under the shelter in the back center of the picture.

John, Sandy and Debbie by the pool.

This is the couple we saw at McDonalds on Friday Night and she is the one that loved the little girls.  His name is T.J. and you know, all season long, I have not gotten her name.  She is a nurse in a doctor's office in Key West.  They moved here from New York in August.

Gabby about to take the plunge as Jim looks on.

Gabby and Lily getting used to the water temp.  In no time at all, they were jumping in with their noodles.

Jim, Lily and Walt by the pool.

Pretty shrubbery Gabby and I saw on our walkabout.

A moth on a fence that Gabby saw.  She wanted to take this picture.  She got pretty close and did a good job.  Hillary, if you ever see this, please show to Gabby.  She would want to see it I think.

Abundant color everywhere.

Gabby suggested I take this picture.  Good idea, Gabby!

This cutey pie Lily was in the street with her dad when Gabby and I returned from our walkabout.  Please note the shoes.

Lily and I as we watch the dance.

Crystal, the Kitty Cat, is an important part of the Lee Family.  I was glad to get this picture of Crystal before we left the Lee House on Sunday.

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