After a quick trip to the Flea Market and a jump in and out at the Winn Dixie at Big Pine Key (yes, another Saturday trip to the grocery store - since we made the vow not to go to the grocery store on Saturday, I think we have been every Saturday since then), we unloaded everything from the car and went up to get our free lunch and listen to some good music.
We are getting things ready for Donnie and Connie to come in this afternoon. In fact, you should see us now - I'm sitting here at the computer just typing away and Jim is on his hands and knees vacuuming! :) I did clean a mirror or two this morning and cleaned the bath just a little. Didn't take too long either!
Thursday Night dinner here was the free spaghetti and salad dinner prepared by three couples, Maddie and husband, Gary, Gill and wife, Betty, Russ and wife, Marsha. John and Sandy bought a keg of beer for the beverage. As I have mentioned, generally we pay $2.00 per person for the 'meat' portion of these potlucks. Maddie and crew wanted to give this dinner to the campers and it was much appreciated. It should also be noted that about 80 people signed up for the meal, rather than the usual 40 or so. In fact, late afternoon found Maddie walking around the camp telling people they may want to bring a chair as their may not be enough setting for everyone. She said that Marty told her, "well, if you would have charged $2.00, you would not have this problem!"
After dinner, the Lazy Lakes Trailer Trash Band entertained once again. Terry had bought me a kazoo, for gosh sakes. As soon as I heard any song I was familiar with, I took to the band and 'hummed' along as much as I could. Too much fun.
Friday Morning, February 4, we were going down to Hillary and Walt's because we both realized it would be some time before we are able to help out much around the house.
As we were discussing our days plans, Larry and John came by and said it was time for Jim to make his bait trap. From wire, tie tags and a little rope, and about three hours later, Jim made his bait trap.
Too late to get much done at the Lee House by then, Jim decided to go to the fishing bridge with John and Larry. Well, of course, I had to tag along.
The three fishermen get 'lined' up on the fishing bridge. You don't simply bait up by putting the pin fish on the hook. You take, from the big five gallon bucket of pin fish (John and Larry had retrieved the pin fish from their SECRET PIN FISH BAIT TRAP HOLE) some of the pin fish and put them in a bait bucket that is lowered down into the water to help keep the fish alive. Simultaneously, someone is lowering the 'chum' net down into the water. The 'chum' is ground fish, frozen in a brick shape, and is supposed to attract the little fish to feed, thereby bringing larger fish to catch. The 'chum' net and the bait bucket are then tied to the concrete buttresses on the fishing bridge.
Finally, everyone gets their lines in the water. I peer over the side of the bridge for a while. Not much going on, so, I get my book and sit down in my chair for a beautiful afternoon of fellowship and sun on the fishing bridge.
Then, things start to happen. The following story is very sad to me and it pains me to write about it, although, hopefully, with this purging of words, maybe I'll be able to get everything out of my heart and mind.
First of all, John says, calmly, I might add, "well, there she goes." I, of course, have no idea what he is talking about and only casually look up. John is further down the bridge from me, Larry is next, me in my chair and then Jim just a little further up the bridge.
After a few seconds, Larry turns around, looks at me and then directs his statement to Jim, "we just lost the bait bucket." As I peer over the side of the bridge, sure enough, the yellow and white plastic bait bucket is floating away, out into the ocean."
Just about this time, Larry is pulling in his line, and says "oh, no!" While pulling in the line, a pelican has swooped down trying to get the fish that is on Larry's line, The hook is in the pelican's wing. Larry does all he can to jiggle the hook loose, and all he is really able to do is pull the pelican in closer to the bridge. Of course, the pelican is too heavy to lift, and certainly would hurt the pelican if he tried. After much trying, Larry is forced to cut the line. Larry is sorry to tell us there is still about 6 feet of line attached to the hook in the pelican wing. Once free from the rod, the pelican did fly about 10 feet, soaking wet, across the water, and then immediately landed again. I did not see the pelican fly again, and periodically, throughout the afternoon, I could see the pelican swimming along in the water, most often getting further and further out. I do not know what will happen to this pelican. I can only think he will not fair well. If we could have only gotten that hook and line out of his wing.
To lighten the moment, Larry said "well, I caught a bird" although we were all more than a little sad for the pelican and the unfortunate accident.
Sometime later, Jim did pull in a mangrove snapper. The mangrove snapper is the fish that Marty had shared with us, and is some mighty fine eating. Try as we might, we just could not get that snapper stretched out long enough to be a keeper. So, back in the ocean it goes.
John got a couple of grouper and some folks that joined us on the bridge later in the afternoon were catching shark. One Bonnet head Shark was a keeper and Larry said he wanted it after the shark being offered to him by these fellow fisherman.
John had to be home by 6:00 for dinner. Sandy had mandated it! She was cooking steak and potatoes and John said Sandy had told him that if he wasn't home, she would eat without him.
I found this story interesting. It is the way with most couples, I am sure.
The difference in Jim and I are: 1) I wouldn't be cooking; 2) If I were to cook, I wouldn't know how to use the grill; 3) If there was food in the house, and I was hungry, I would never 'wait' on Jim for dinner. Curious as to why he even has me around isn't it?
As John and Larry are leaving, Jim and I gather up our 'stuff' as well and we all head back to Lazy Lakes.
Jim and I had planned to 'clean out the refrigerator' from all leftovers for our dinner. And, we did.
After our meal, again, we did not eat together, as I needed to walk up to talk to Sharon Shoemaker, while Jim was eating, Jim and I went up to the Karaoke Night at the Clubhouse. This was a lot of fun as there are a lot of totally uninhibited people that are more than willing to entertain with a song. Maybe, one day for me....?!
We called it an early night and left a huge crowd singing, laughing and all having a really good time.
It may be sketchy for me to blog for the next few days. Although, I hope not! Not sure what is in store for us schedule wish, with Donnie and Connie.
I will be back here as soon as I can.
John showing Jim how to 'crease' lengths of the wiring for the bait trap.
Larry, Jim and John as the bait trap edges are being lined up along the edge of the picnic table. A magic marker is used to 'mark the spot'
The bait trap beginning to take shape with John carefully giving Jim a little instruction.
Jim is securing the sides with the tie tags. Sally, from across the street came over to see if the guys were making crab traps.
Jim securing one end of the bait trap. John appears to be pleased with the progress of his student.
Here, Jim is working on the side openings for the little fishes that will come to check out the chum.
Again, Jim working on the little fish 'slots' - there are four of these is opposite corners of the trap.
And, there she is - a homemade bait trap. The 'weight' is a rock John found in the flower bed here at our campsite. The little yellow 'dots' are tie tags. the tails have been cut away from the tags. Jim, Larry and John show off the finished product.
Photo Taken from the Fishing Bridge - this is a residential area just down the road, and across the water from the fishing bridge.
Little Jimmy Huntley - a shaded view.
Less shaded view of Jim fishing. I noticed, but never mentioned, that Jim continued to move around with his rod, while John and Larry put their rods in the 'rod holes' that are on the floor of the bridge and left them there - although they were never more than a step or two away.
This is a concrete wall that is around and at the end of the fishing bridge. I had looked and looked at this area from up on the bridge and when we had the disappointment with the poor pelican, I took a walk down to get my mind off the pelican.
This is the scrub and trees that are all up and down Hwy 1 on each side. I am imagining that lots of the areas off Hwy 1 look a lot like this. There are paths all down and through the overgrown shrub. Just as I started to take this picture, I heard a big rustle and knew it must be an iguana, and sure enough it was.
I find these stumps and tree trunks to be poetic. You can barely see the green iguana, on the large tree limb in the center of the picture.
More of the trees and scrub as I delved deeper into this hidden area. As you can see, paths are well worn, and I imagine there has been more than one person that found this spot as a resting area for a night, week, some time.
A marker (survey?) cap that is in the concrete wall along side the ocean.
My view from the scrub area of the three fisherman on the bridge - Jim, Larry and John.
That cluster of fisherman, on the left, is John, Larry and John.
This is a pretty good prospective of the fishing bridge running parallel to Hwy 1. Two different bridges, serving two different purposes, side by side.
Jim's catch of the day! Too small Mangrove Snapper!
The bonnet head shark caught by our fellow fishing buddies on the bridge.
Karen helping the guys fish! That's John in the red shirt.
Jim's more successful attempt of a picture of the palm tree and lighted palm tree trunk!
I just took this photograph this afternoon, Saturday, February 5. This is the campsite of Charlie and JoAnn, from Canada. This is the site we were in last year! They have a tiki bar, bar stools, fencing to separate them from the neighbors, and lots and lots of doo-dads, making the site really fun.
Jim and Larry just after our pulled pork sandwiches on Saturday, February 5.
John and Sandy enjoying the sun, beer and a little cigar listing to C.W. Colt, poolside.
C.W. Colt entertaining poolside Saturday Afternoon February 5.
Karen and C.W. Colt - there is a story here. I mentioned, during a pause of one of his songs, that I was going to get my camera to take a picture of him if he didn't mind. Well, I took the picture and was pleased as punch. Then, when he took a break, he asked if I wanted that picture and if I wanted to get in the picture, which I did not want to do, although, I did....... I already had my picture of him! :)
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